墨爾本/塔斯曼尼亞  澳洲東岸  西澳洲柏斯 Perth 

West Australia 西澳洲

Since my trip with family to East Australia in May 2000, I have been longing for another holidays to Perth, West Australia so as to spend my remaining Aussie Dollars which exchange rate have been kept falling.

It had been two years when I was finally able to make my dream come true. My wife and I set off for a 5-day journey on 24 May 2002. We spent 7.5 hours direct flight from Hong Kong to Perth.

Perth 柏 斯 「世上最孤立的城市」

Perth, the most isolating city in the world, was founded by Captain James Stirling in 1829. But it was not until the first convicts arrived in 1850 that the colony began to grow.

Perth became a city in 1871 but gold discoveries in the 1880s began the state's development in earnest. The City has many historic sites within easy walking distance of city hotels.

Burswood Park & Casino (賭場)

It was about 8 O'clock in the morning, before we started the Swan River Cruise down stream from Perth to the Port of Fermantle, we went to the Burswood Park where the Burswood Casino, a pyramid like building is located.

Swan Bells in Barrack Street Jetty in Perth from where we departed for Fremantle onboard a cruiser.


After the cruise before hotel check-in, we visited a few tourist must go points for sightseeing in Perth.


蒙加湖 Lake Monger, Perth where we fed black swans and ducks.

Fremantle 費里曼圖 was named after Captain Sir Charles Howe Fremantle who took possession of the Western Australian coast, then called New Holland, for Britain in 1829.

Fremantle is a major world port, a fishing town, an historic city, a university town, a modern bustling community, and an arts centre. Often there is sidewalk entertainment, especially on South Terrace, known as "cappucino strip" and near the Victorian-style markets.


Cappucino Strip 咖啡街

Old Fremantle Prison 費裡曼圖舊監獄 The Round House, the oldest public building in West Australia, completed in 1831, it served as the Swan River Colony's first goal. In 1988 the Fremantle Signal Station was reactivated. A cannon is fired and the Time Ball dropped every day at 1 PM, the procedure used to give mariners and residents a daily time check. It gives sweeping views of Fremantle City, Fishing Boat Harbour and the Indian Ocean.

The Pinnacles Desert 尖峰石陣 & Sand Ski

On the second day, traveling north we left the Perth City limits to reach Yanchep National Park where we stopped to view koalas, kangaroos and emus. We continued on to the small fishing settlement of Lancelin where we made a brief stop to taste an ice cream bar.

From here, our 4-Wheel Drive (4WD) coach took us to experience the thrilling over massive sand dunes.

We also tried sandboarding there.

Then, we journeyed along bush tracks where we occasionally spotted wild kangaroos,until we arrived at Nambung National Park for lunch.

After lunch, we walked into the amazing Pinnacles Desert. This eerie landscape seems reminiscent of something that might exist on some far away planet.

那遙遠又孤立的柏斯,她的北面二百公里有一個算是個沙漠,天空跟地面都彷彿是假的 【尖石林】 The Pinnacle。 長途跋涉來到這地方,不想追究它形成的原因,只是覺得像到達了星球的地面!實在大開眼界,千奇百怪的石頭散佈在大面積的?沙上,藍天白雲的襯托下,奇觀!

The dunes around this area were originally formed from sea shells which were broken down into sand and carried inland. Lime leached from the sand, cemented the lower levels of the dunes, and caused it to turn into soft limestone. When vegetation grew, it formed an acidic layer of soil and humus. A hard capping developed above the layer of soft limestone. Plants widened cracks with their roots, allowing the soft limestone to be dissolved and washed away.The cavities that remained when plant roots decayed, filled with quartz sand that over time hardened into columns of stone. Strong coastal winds blew the sand away, leaving stunning limestone pillars that are now called The Pinnacles

烏魯魯(Uluru)艾斯石Ayers Rock是澳洲最具代表性的象徵之一。

On the third day, leaving the Perth City behind us, we headed east through the scenic Darling Ranges with a stop to enjoy a cheesecake at historic York 約克鎮, the first township founded in the Avon Valley. It still preserves with Victorian buildings.

Continuing east, we passed through mile upon mile of sweeping wheatbelt plains with a few sheep herds typical of arid Australian farming country before reaching the small town of Hyden, home of the Wave Rock.

Wave Rock is a granite cliff that is 15 meters high and 110 meters long. The wave-like shape has been caused by weathering and water erosion cutting away the base of the rock and leaving an overhang.

During the wetter months, water from springs running down the face of the rock dissolves minerals and adds to the colouring of the rock.

波浪岩(Wave Rock)離柏斯東面約340公里,岩石估計於27億年前形成,1967年被美國攝影師發現,登上「國家地理雜誌」封面。這個拔地而起的「滔天巨浪」高約15米,寬度達110米。這塊曲線形的風化岩石上,夾雜著深淺顏色的直間條紋,更添動感。

Before returning to Perth, we had panoramic views of Perth's city lights with arrival in Perth at about 8.30PM. Hahaha~~If you see a XXXX beer sign, it means you are leaving outback, approaching civilization.

That evening, we dined on some golden Antarctic crabs in North Bridge (the so-called China Town) in Perth City Centre where, after meal, we wandered around pubs and restaurants to feel the Aussie nightlife before we bought six bottles of 'Crownlager' beer back to hotel. Nice Beer!

golden Antarctic crabs 黃金南極蟹 & Beer


On the fouth day morning, before leaving for Hong Kong, we walked around the Forrest Place and London Court. These places are Malls near our hotel, next to the Perth Rail Station. Nothing special for us to buy. My wife, however, bought herself a pair of sport socks and a T-shirt and me a T-shirt only.

May 2002
墨爾本/塔斯曼尼亞  澳洲東岸  西澳洲柏斯 Perth 

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